School History
In Kushinagar, during the year 1990, & Mrs. H.P. Sam realised the need of an english medium school in Kushinagar distt. These great people, our Founders, established a school at Sapaha Road Kasia.
In 1997, the school was shifted to the present Nav Jeevan Nagar Kasia from where the seed planted in 1990 really began to take root, blossom and flourish while it grew into the institution the school is today. In 1996 the Society was formed, the object of which was to govern a school that would provide a holistic education to students, based on Protestant Christian principles.
The school is managed by The Nav Jeevan Mission Society, a society registered under the Societies Act of 1860 and under the guidance of the Society the school has continued to flourish and progress and has firmly established itself as an educational institution that ranks among the finest in the country and which continues to develop and improve – true to the school motto –Arise & Shine.
The academic year during which the students are in residence and attend classes, extends normally from April to March.